Buying A House In Kingston
As Buyer agents, we are dedicated to helping you find the right home in the right neighbourhood for the right price! As you begin the search for a new home you will need a Realtor who has extensive knowledge of the real estate market and the homes for sale in your areas of interest.
Whether you are moving within Kingston or surrounding area, downsizing or upsizing, a first time Home Buyer, or re-locating from another city, our Team provides the knowledge and personal approach that will help you make an informed decision.
What we will do to help you find and purchase the right home:
- We will set up a meeting with you to look at your list (what size of home fills your needs, what area you wish to live in etc.)
- At this time we will also discuss any financing questions that you may have and assist you in getting mortgage pre-approval if you need it.
- We will then set up a Buyer Profile for you to ensure that you receive listings which fall within the parameters we have discussed, as soon as they reach the market. We welcome you to our Preferred Buyer Program and you will receive a Buyer’s Guide in the mail.
- As soon as you see a listing that interests you we will make an appointment to view it. We recommend that you see no more than six homes per day.
- Once you have decided on a home to purchase we will write up the offer and walk you through the process to follow. We will discuss all costs involved in closing the deal and recommend professionals to provide you with the expertise you will need, for example; lawyers, home inspectors, insurance providers and contractors.
- We will personally present the offer to the Vendors and their agent and negotiate the best possible price for the home. Once a mutually acceptable price and conditions have been agreed upon, you will be required to put a deposit down to secure the offer.
- During the conditional period our office will manage the timing of inspections, make sure that copies of the listing and offer get to lawyers, appraisers etc. We will be present at the building inspection.
- Once conditions are fulfilled we will draw up the Fulfillment of Conditions to be signed by you and received by the Vendors within the conditional period.
- Once this final piece of paperwork is completed, the deal is final. Congratulations!
Your decision to buy a home is very important to us and we will always be there to make sure you are happy with your choice and to answer any questions you may have along the way. Our success is only measured by your satisfaction!